Eating meat kicks ass

Don’t get me wrong, I fucking love animals…. with the right seasoning.

Enjoy a picture of a stupid animal being eaten.

I was chilling in IRC eating dry roasted BBQ crickets, when some fuckface vegan started calling me a murderer.

“Meat is genocide” they kept saying, over and over again, for weeks.

Let’s have a look at the dictionary:

The deliberate and systematic destruction of a racial, political, or cultural group

What racial, political or cultural group does steak belong to? I’ll give you a hint: None of them.

Animals are not people, no matter how much you fucking dumb asses want them to be. The definition of genocide doesn’t cover animals so fuck off. Animals don’t have any rights except one: the right to be eaten.

It is completely insane for PETA to compare the holocaust with eating meat.

If Animals didn’t want to be eaten, they wouldn’t be made of meat. It’s that simple.

Look at how fucking delicious that is.

Vegans know how much meat kicks ass because those fuckers are always trying to copy meat. There have been a few good attempts, like Beyond Burgers. But come on, Tofurkey? I’d rather eat a dick.

All animals on this planet eat other animals. It is called the food chain and we are on top because we fucking kick ass.

Every year, millions of animals are killed by wheat and soy bean combines during harvesting season.

PETA also has a 99% kill rate when it comes to its animal shelters. I’ve been told that it is just sick and dying animals that the no kill shelters won’t accept. That just doesn’t make any sense, who is trying to rehome a sick or dying pet?

Why can’t PETA sell that meat?

One last point: humans would not have the brains we do if it weren’t for eating meat.

So bring a live cow to the table and let me carve off what I want, and ride the rest home.

Steak kicks ass.

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