The First Douche Awards

Welcome to 2024

The Douche Awards are a celebration of the biggest douche, usually awarded to a person or an organization. I’m going to present this award whenever I feel it is appropriate and I’ll try to do so every month.

What is a douche? Well, I’m not giving awards that have to do with feminine hygiene products. According to Urban Dictionary, a douche is someone who is more than a jerk, tends to think he’s top notch, does stuff that is pretty brainless, thinks he is so much better than he really is, and is normally pretty good at ticking people off in an immature way.

Who won the first award? bitches!

I’m not even going to link to them because they’re fucking douche bags.


I tried to login to my account on only to find out that I was banned.

“Fuck those guys” I thought at the time, and I created an account on to post my articles on Lemmy. Lemmy is a federated Reddit clone.

I did an investigation and checked out’s Terms of Service. I couldn’t find anything I could have possibly done wrong.

So I sent them a god damned e-mail.

I waited a few days and got this shit:

Oh yeah? Captain Dipshit here thinks I was posting “blogspam” which isn’t true. “Blogspam” is a term used to describe a blog or website that is loaded with too much foreign material, such as pixelated animations, chain letters, quizzes, music videos, chain letters and are trying to sell scam shit.

I’m not selling penis pumps (that’s a shame for Philip here) and there is no monetization. WordPress might run some ads for the free hosting but I don’t fucking profit from this blog.

These fucking douche bags call it “blogspam” because they don’t like my articles. Maybe they like Techrights and my expose about its far right nature triggered them? Perhaps they are just Linux Boomers? Who knows?

This was the only thing in the terms of service I could find that had any relation to “blogspam” and that was “spam content.”

Do you know what spam content is? Techrights. They’re the real blog spam. They just take other peoples content, word for word, and publish it on their site to steal traffic from the original authors.

I am the original author here.

This is my personal fucking blog. I didn’t post it in any group that said “No Self Promotion” and while I’ve had some disagreements with the rules for groups in the past, I said “fair enough” and tried to find another home for my fucking articles.

I posted my Linux Boomers article on the Linux group, because it was related to Linux. It didn’t violate that groups rules. They just removed it because they’re dipshits and assholes. I tried posting it to some other group and then I got banned.

I didn’t post it to multiple groups at the same time. I just wanted to find a group where it would have a fucking home.

It’s 2024, where else do you post links to your blog so people actually know about it? On Facebook? Twitter? Reddit?

Isn’t Lemmy supposed to be better than those?

Fuck is so much better. I posted my Linux Boomers article on the Linux group through my account and the system works. It was downvoted to fuck, got a lot of negative feedback, but it wasn’t removed because it complied with the rules.

This is how the internet is supposed to work. You post something made of completely original content, not “spam” and people fucking discuss it.

Thanks Philip, go fuck yourself.

You just won my first Douche Award, shitheads.

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